Getting the Facts About Timber Harvesting

Timber harvesting is something the average person does so rarely, if ever. And, most don’t really understand the benefits and mechanics of how it works. As the trusted name in timber harvesting for Mifflin County and the surrounding areas, we would like to discuss some of the important information to know. And, when you require professional timber harvesting, give the experts here at A.M. Logging a call. First, there are a variety of reasons for timber harvesting. The first is profit. Often timber harvesting is done for the money, owners hoping to get the top dollar for the stand. The most unfortunate type of timber harvesting occurs when stands have been damaged by disease, pests or weather, resulting with goals to clean up the mess and prevent further damage. Often the value of the timber has been compromised and landowners see reduced payouts. Some landowners wish to benefit wildlife. This timber harvesting method seeks to improve the health of the stand in ways that attract ...